Communications to congresses

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Communications to congresses


Fisheries and aquaculture coexistence: complex interactions in the liminal zone

        • Main group: UA1


Developing an Electrochemical Biosensor for Pesticide Detection in Seawater

        • Main group: UA5

Electrofluorochromism and its Application in Chemical Sensing: Detection of Sunscreen Molecules in Marine Environments

        • Main group: UA5

Use of pretreatments in the generation of bioactive peptides obtained from animal by-products hydrolysis

The role of European Sea Bass red blood cells in the nervous necrosis virus infection.

Natural extracts for application as antivirals in aquaculture against red grouper nervous necrosis virus.

Metabolomics analysis in plasma of Anguilla anguilla species exposed to a mixture of pharmaceuticals

        • Main group: UV4

Food Creativity: The Power of Focus Groups in Ideation of Innovative Aquaculture products with Sea Bream and Prawns

Feasibility of using Rhizostoma pulmo (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) as bioindicator for marine plastic pollution

        • Main group: UA4

Modeling the population dynamics of Mastigias papua in Jellyfish Lake, Palau, to explain past disappearances and identify future risks

        • Main group: UA4

Monitoring the biogeographic and phenological patterns of jellyfish along the spanish coast through citizen science

        • Main group: UA4

Palatability and ingestion-egestion times of virgin and aged microplastics in polyps and medusae of three schyphozoan species: Aureliasp., Rhizostoma pulmoand Cotylorhiza tuberculata

        • Main group: UA4

Swimming behaviour in ontogenic stages of Carybdea marsupialis (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) and its implications for their spatial distribution

        • Main group: UA4

Temporal Trends in Jellyfish Stings Along the Spanish Coast: A 15-Year Analysis of the standardized Sting Index

        • Main group: UA4

Transforming Matrix Population Model into a Dynamic Size-Structured Model: A Case Study of Carybdea marsupialis Population

        • Main group: UA4

Towards sampling of the circalittoral benthos for monitoring impacts on marine communities: limitations and next steps

Low cost USV development to study spring ponds

        • Main group: UA6

Pathways of economically relevant demersal species in the Ibiza Channel from a Lagrangian backtracking approach

        • Main group: UA7

Successful cryopreservation of sperm from Mediterranean aquacultured species in biodegradable containers

Intracellular pH regulation and sperm motility in the European eel

Evolutionary scenario of temperature receptor TRPV (Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid) family in metazoans with a special focus on “fish” species

Influence of temperature on early puberty of juvenile male European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

Removal of Emerging Contaminants by a New Electrofiltration Process with Ceramic Electrodes

Effect of the treatment by electrochemical advanced oxidation on the ecotoxicity of a solution containing Atenolol

Gill mucus holds the key against Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata).

The polychaete Platynereis dumerilii has complete enzymatic activities required for the biosynthesis of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids

Invertebrates as primary producers of omega-3s in aquatic ecosystems

Effects of simultaneous turbulence and ice accretion on small fixed-wing UAV performance

A Sparicotyle chrysophrii in vivo model reproducing the pathological outcomes of sparicotylosis in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)

Modulation of gilthead seabream gill microbiota by Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection

Deciphering Sparicotyle chrysophrii extracellular vesicles: an inside-out journey within a monogenean parasite

Unraveling molecular interactions in a host-parasite model: Integration of different omic approaches in gilthead seabream infected with Sparicotyle chrysophrii.

Relevance of novel bioactive peptides obtained from meat and fish co-products.

Comparison of two different enzyme cocktails to obtain bioactive hydrolysates from porcine blood.

Development of fish pâté with fish bone powder and seaweeds

        • Main group: UA5

Knowledge and perception of teenagers regarding fish products

        • Main group: UA5

Post-thawing dilution prolongs fish sperm use in aquaculture mediterranean species

Biodegradable capsules as an alternative container to sperm cryopreservation of mediterranean fishes

Electrochemical biosensor for Indirect monitoring of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

        • Grupo principal: UA5

Electrofluorochromism: A Promising Phenomenon for Enhancing Chemical Sensors Performance

        • Main group: UA5

Detection of Pollutants in Seawater using a Biosensor Based on the Enzymatic Inhibition of Alkaline Phosphatase

        • Main group: UA5

Bioelectrochemical detection of environmental stress markers of coral species through Glutathione S-Transferase reactions

        • Main group: UA5

Direct Electrochemistry of Cytochrome c with Conducting Polymers

        • Main group: UA5

Gilthead sea bream microbiota shifts associated with thermal stress and dietary intervention during a record heat summer

Dance with SAMBA: An innovative approach to study fish gut microbiome using bayesian networks

Effects on dietary iron supplementation on biosynthesis of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the Nereis Polychaete Hediste Diversicolor

A new vaccine against the zoonotic pathogen Vibrio vulnificus: first step.

        • Main group: UV1

Electrolyzed water treatment for the control of the zoonotic pathogen Vibrio vulnificus and its application in aquaculture.

        • Main group: UV1
        • Partner group: UV2

Utilizing electrolyzed water treatment to manage vibriosis caused by Vibrio harveyi in aquaculture settings

        • Main group: UV2
        • Partner group:  UV1

High prevalence of microplastics in the digestive tract of Scyliorhinus canicula (Linneaus, 1758) shows the species biomonitoring potential

Ontogenic Swimming Speed of Carybdea Marsupialis (Cubozoa): Spatial distribution implication

        • Main group: UA4

Monitoring the biogeographic and phenological patterns of jellyfish along the spanish coast through citizen science

        • Main group: UA4

From population projection matrix models to dynamic age-structured models: an example with Carybdea Marsupialis (Cubozoa)

        • Main group: UA4

A spatial-explicit and age-structured dynamic model to test subsidies and marine protected areas effects on fish stocks and fisheries profits

        • Main group: UA4

Photonic Aptasensor on Silicon Nitride for Bisphenol A detection in seawater

Electrochemical impedance biosensor for the detection of Vibrio vulnificus zoonotic pathogen.

        • Main group: UV1

A new method for a new bacterium. Oral communication.

        • Main group: UV1

A two-step duplex PCR for rapid detection of Vibrio harveyi strains hazardous to fish.

        • Main group: UV1

Carring capacity estimation within the allocated zones for aquaculture (AZAs) identified for finfish in the Spanish Mediterranean

    • Main group: UA1

Proceso de selección de elementos clave para el desarrollo de un protocolo de muestreo sobre cambio climático

    • Main group: UA8

Posibilidades y limitaciones de las fotografías aéreas adquiridas para la generación de ortofotos como fuente documental 3D. Ejemplo de aplicación en la Rambla de la Viuda (2017-2022)

Generation of Bioactive Peptides Through Sequential Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Porcine Blood

Group-Based Collaborative Environments for Coastal Areas Monitoring.

Los sectores de la Economía Azul en España: Oportunidades y amenazas

Primera cita del género Gambierdiscus (miozoa, Dinophyceae) en las costas orientales de la península ibérica (Alicante, España)

        • Main group: UA4

Microplastics on Βeaches Along the Coast of Valencia (East of Spain)

        • Main group: UV4

Hábitos de consumo de pescados y mariscos en estudiantes de ciencia y tecnología de alimentos.

A novel methodoloy to assess material degradability in different environmental compartments: a step forward on current certifications.

    • Main group:  UA3

Relevo generacional en el sector pesquero valenciano

    • Main group:  UPV7

Seguimiento del medio marino en ThinkInAzul: Herramienta eficaz para la conservación de la nacra Pinna nobilis en el Mediterráneo

    • Main group:  UCV1

Potential indicators of Chronic Stress in Fish

Cryopreservation and Xenotransplantation of European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla) spermatogonian stem cells

Effect of seawater pH and temperature on sperm motility of aquaculture marine fish species

Dynamic evolution of temeprature receptor TRPV (transient receprot potential vanilloid) family

Transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) ion channel in the European Eel under different conditions

Gonadotropin plasmid gene therapy triggers spermatogenesis in European eel (Anguilla anguilla)

In vitro effects of temperature on sterpidogenic capacity of ovarian follicular cells in European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

Effect of high rearing temperature on growth and gonad maturation of juvenile male european sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

Electrolisis de agua de mar: depósito electroasistido de minerales para captura de CO2

        • Main group: UA5

Electroquímica directa de citocromo c empleando electrodos modificados con polímeros conductores basados en unidades EDOT

        • Main group: UA5

Desarrollo de un biosensor basado en la inhibición enzimática de fosfatasa alcalina para la detección de contaminantes en medio marino

        • Main group: UA5

Eliminación de Norfloxacino mediante fotoelectrooxidación utilizando fotoánodos de Sb-SnO2 recubiertos de Bi2WO6

Generation of bioactive peptides through enzymatic hydrolysis of porcine blood

DNA biosensing systems for THINK in AZUL project. The future of pathogen detection in aquaculture

Detection of a climate change maker (Vibrio Vulnificus) by a lateral flow test strip assay

        • Main group: UPV1
        • Partner group: UV1

Les platges de Cullera. Canvis recents i reptes per a un futur incert.

Diseño de un sensor electroquímico para la detección de Vibrio vulnificus.

        • Main group: UV1

Seasonal and inter-annual variability of Mediterranean Sea iverturning circulation: a model-based analysis

        • Main group: UA7


An user-friendly hand-held biosensor for detection of water pollutants

    • Main group: UA5

Design, Deployment, and Testing a Device with Edge Computing Energy Efficiency Algorithm for Water Quality Monitoring

Seawater pH does not affect all the aquaculture marine fish sperm mobility

Protocol optimization for sea bass sperm cryopreservation and assesment of post-thawing dilution to prolong sperm uselfulness in aquaculture mediterranean species

Wireless Sensor Networks and Remote Sensing in Coastal Zone Monitoring

A novel severe microsporidiasis in cultured atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.).

    • Main group UV3

Development meets taxonomy; post larval development of Scienacotyle pancerii.

    • Main group: UV3

The effects of temperature and larval age on the swimming behavior of the larvae of Sparicotyle chrysophrii from M editerranean gilthead seabream.

    • Main group: UV3

“Haeckelize”, digital classical scientific drawings.

    • Main group: UV3

Exploring new ways for the diagnosis of anisakid larvae

    • Main group: UV3

Cardicola mediterraneus (Trematoda, Aporocotylidae): effects of a new species infecting Sparus aurata in the Western Mediterranean Sea

    • Main group: UV3

Radiotracers for the study of Marine and Oceanic Ecosystems (Radiotrazadores para el estudio de Ecosistemas Marinos y Oceánicos: REMO)

Electrofluorocromismo: un nuevo fenómeno aplicado al desarrollo de sensores químicos

    • Main group: UA5

“Spectroelectrochemical study of the conjugated polymers PFO and F8BT. Electrofluorochromic detection of a solar filter in solution”

    • Main group: UA5

What virulence traits tell us about Vibrio vulnificus zoonotic potential

Phages in Vibrio vulnificus: The Untold Story

    • Main group: UV1

Integrated geomorphological, socioeconomic, and ecological vulnerability to sea level rise of the Mediterranean (Calpe) and North Atlantic (Carreira) coasts of the Iberian Peninsula

Vibriosis en peces por Vibrio vulnificus: una enfermedad inflamatoria letal en la que la interacción entre los glóbulos rojos y la toxina RtxA1 es crucial

Pili tipo IV y su papel en la virulencia de Vibrio vulnificus

¿Tienen los fagos algún papel en la transferencia de genes de Vibrio vulnificus?

Estudio de la dinámica de excitones en polímeros conjugados basados en fluoreno mediante espectroscopía de Fluorescencia in situ

Nuevos materiales sostenibles con propiedades “antifouling” con aplicaciones en acuicultura