Group UA8

University of Alicante

The team is made up of researchers with more than 30 years of experience in scientific progress in the marine environment. In the trajectory of its members, studies related to practically all taxonomic groups stand out, but especially numerous works have been carried out in taxonomy and autoecology of marine invertebrates and in biodiversity assessment. We have carried out numerous monitoring activities of the coastline and of endangered, non-native and invasive species.

We have participated in the planning and management of marine and coastal areas from all phases of planning, execution and management of the Marine Protected Areas for which they are referents. We have a long track record in studies of marine pollution and the effects of human activities on biological systems, without forgetting at any time the transfer of scientific knowledge to society. Training, dissemination and diffusion of the marine environment have been considered as a transversal axis in the group’s research trajectory. All the members of the team are linked to the Department of Marine Sciences and Applied Biology and the Santa Pola Marine Research Centre (CIMAR). The members of the team have taken part in numerous regional, national, European and international projects and have worked in the marine field in different institutions, especially in invertebrates and in the evaluation of biodiversity.


Universidad de Alicante

Research Center

Department of Marine Sciences and Applied Biology/ Santa Pola Marine Research Centre
