Group UPV1

Universitat Politécnica de València

The group is composed of researchers with backgrounds in Chemistry and Biotechnology, as well as two outstanding specialists in aquaculture. It is a very interdisciplinary and balanced group, with extensive experience in the development of biosensors and methodologies aimed at obtaining information in the areas of health, agri-food and environment. One of the research lines in which they have been working has among its objectives the development of assays based on molecular recognition for pathogen detection, authentication of animal and plant species, and multiparametric immunoassays. In terms of the project, research on screening methods based on high-density microarray techniques should be highlighted. Among the most interesting results for THINKINAZUL, the development of gene-chips and gene expression and polymorphism recognition assays, applied in human clinical diagnosis, plant health, veterinary and species identification. Keywords: Applied chemistry, biotechnology, aquaculture, screening, rapid field assay methods (lateral flow, genechips).


Universitat Politècnica de València

Research Center

Interuniversity Research Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development