Group CSIC8

Spanish National Research Council

This team, established as such in 1984, owes its origin and current diversity in research lines to the initial studies focused on the biology and use in aquaculture of the gill crustacean Artemia. The use of Artemia nauplii as live prey in marine larviculture, and research on the biodiversity and biogeography of the species of the genus on a regional and global scale, largely conditioned the evolution of the research lines of the team during the first 25 years of its existence. Without abandoning these topics, in the last 10 years, the group has been enriched with new lines, in basic and applied aspects, which have been projected with innovative vision in the field of diverse scientific disciplines such as biochemistry and lipid metabolism of cultured organisms, and in aquatic ecosystems, nutrigenomics, aquatic ecotoxicology, etc.

The team is formed by researchers Juan Carlos Navarro (Coordinator), Francisco Hontoria, Inmaculada Varó and Óscar Monroig, five PhD students, and four support technicians. The group is regularly funded with projects from competitive programs of the State Research Agency, EU Framework Programs, Research Council of Norway, Generalitat Valenciana, etc.

Research Center

Torre de la Sal Aquaculture Institute
