13 Jul The Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Autonomous Regions sign the first four joint research plans, with a government contribution of 169 M€.
The Minister for Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, chaired the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Council on Monday, at which the first four Complementary Plans were signed with the Autonomous Regions under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, which, for the first time, will see the implementation of joint research projects between the Autonomous Regions and promoted by the Ministry, which will contribute 169 million euros.
The Complementary Plans are a new tool for the implementation of research programmes in strategic areas, co-governed and co-financed with the Autonomous Regions. These plans will make it possible to establish collaborations and align the efforts of the central administration, the Autonomous Communities and European funds in the face of key challenges facing our country, responding to the EU’s criteria for the application of transformative measures for our economy in the Recovery Plan.
In total, 8 Complementary Plans are planned, which will mobilise 456 million euros up to 2025, of which the Ministry of Science and Innovation will finance 299 million euros, 66% of the total budget, and the Autonomous Regions the remaining 34%, with 157 million euros. At least four Autonomous Communities will participate in each of them.
Once the eight scientific areas were defined, the Autonomous Regions submitted expressions of interest which were evaluated by a panel of experts. All the Autonomous Regions submitted projects in at least two of the areas foreseen and all have been selected for at least one programme.
Minister Morant explained that the Complementary Plans are “an example of the transformative force of the Recovery Plan”. “Firstly, because they are an innovation in our country’s science policy. Never before have we implemented joint programming actions co-financed by the State and the Autonomous Regions, and never before have the Autonomous Regions worked so intensively on research programmes with the State and in strategic areas,” he said.
Secondly, he added, it is “a policy that advances in co-governance in the field of science, technology and innovation”. With these plans, he said, Spain is “putting itself on a par with the most advanced co-management measures implemented by the European Union, such as associations or partnerships between Member States”. “We believe that if together we can make it useful for strengthening our strategic priorities in R&D&I, these complementary plans are here to stay,” he said.
More info: www.ciencia.gob.es
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