
The ThinkInAzul Comunidad Valenciana program is formed by a consortium of 39 research groups with a wide territorial distribution in the Valencian Community. The project is structured in 8 Work Packages, 1 coordination package and 7 research packages, each led by one or two researchers based on criteria of scientific excellence, gender equality and territorial balance. Each of these groups is within one of the following renowned scientific institutions: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad de Alicante, Universitat Politècnica de València, Universitat de València, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Universitat Jaume I and Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir.
GrupoIP1IP2Código GVA
CSIC1Jaume Pérez SánchezJosep Calduch GinerTHINKINAZUL /2021 /024
CSIC2Ana Maria Gómez PerisAlicia Felip EdoTHINKINAZUL /2021 /042
CSIC3Ariadna Sitjà BobadillaCarla PiazzonTHINKINAZUL /2021 /022
CSIC4César Azorín MolinaVerónica Nieves CalatravaTHINKINAZUL /2021 /018
CSIC5Enrique Nacher GonzálezBerta Rubio BarroroTHINKINAZUL /2021 /036
CSIC6Fidel Toldrá VilardellLeticia Mora SolerTHINKINAZUL /2021 /023
CSIC7Jose Miguel Cerda ReverterEsther Leal CebrianTHINKINAZUL /2021 /025
CSIC8Juan Carlos NavarroTHINKINAZUL /2021 /026
UA1Kilian Toledo GuedesJavier Atalah BeresiTHINKINAZUL /2021 /044
UA2Alfonso A. Ramos EsplaMiguel Ángel Climent LlorcaTHINKINAZUL /2021 /014
GrupoIP1IP2Código GVA