13 Jul Presentation of the Complementary Marine Science Plan of the Valencian Region
Date: 27 June 2022
Time: 11.00 a.m.
Estimated duration: 1 hour (first part)
Venue: Institute of Aquaculture Torre de la Sal (IATS)
Regional Minister for Innovation
Vice-president for Organisation and Institutional Relations CSIC/Director
ThinkInAzul Comunitat Valenciana Coordinators
Coordinators Worckpackages
Audience of the event: scientific staff, companies related to the sector,
institutional representatives
First part
11.00.- Carmen Beviá
11.10.- Video GVA
11.15.- Ariadna Sitjà
11.25.- Coordinators
11.40.- Coordinators Workpackages (5 minutes each)
Second part
12.30.- Visit to IATS-CSIC facilities
13.30.- Networking
Outdoor space set up to facilitate communication between representatives of the academic and business world representatives of the academic and business world related to the thematic lines of the ThinkInAzul Project (Marine and Coastal Environment-Sustainable, Intelligent and Precision Aquaculture- Blue Economy).
and Precision Aquaculture- Blue Economy). A brunch will be served during the meeting with typical local products.
Third part
16.30.- Working meeting of the Research Groups
Agenda: Organisational issues and roadmap for the next 6 months.
Communicative objective: To highlight the value of the Complementary Plan of Marine Sciences and to and establish synergies and joint projects for the transfer and application of research results in application of research results in Marine Sciences.
Technical needs:
- Streaming broadcasting
- Room capacity (110 people)
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