LA1. Observation and monitoring of marine and coastal environment.

ThinkInAzul at the national level aims to establish a solid basis for collaboration between Autonomous Regions, maximizing synergies to generate sustained and integrated marine observation. Ocean observation is the means that allows us to understand its role in climate change, preserve its health and that of coastal areas by ensuring its Good Environmental Status, guarantee the sustainability of natural resources, generate early warning of risks and threats, improve our predictive capacity in the short, medium and long term and ensure a responsible use of all the ecosystem services provided by the marine environment.

observación marina y monitorización del medio marino

Actions in which GVA-ThinkInAzul is involved:

A1.5: Integrated Marine Data Platform

A1.9: Strategies to enhance the resilience of marine ecosystems

A1.10: Implementation of a coordinated coastal in-situ monitoring service