LA2. Sustainable, smart and accurate aquaculture

The national ThinkInAzul combines aspects of basic and applied science with a focus on research and development in biology and technology. It uses genomic tools and alarm systems to prevent biological and natural risks, as well as automation and digitization of aquaculture infrastructures and analysis of massive data using artificial intelligence. The objective is to increase the efficiency and adaptive capacity of aquaculture without damaging the ecosystem and guaranteeing the traceability, quality and food safety of seafood products. It is considered an innovative program due to its multidisciplinary approach that requires collaboration between public research groups, private companies and the aquaculture industry. It also mentions the participation of other actions interested in the application and development of products in the aquatic environment. In addition, it opens opportunities for companies in different fields, and highlights the importance of the digital transition through alert systems and monitoring of the marine environment (IoT) and organisms in culture (IoA) at group and individual level.
Acuicultura sostenible, inteligente y de precisión

Actions in which GVA-ThinkInAzul is involved:

A2.1 Restoration and enhancement of natural populations through crop diversification

A2.2: Research on physiology and reproduction of farmed fishes to improve knowledge and animal welfare

A2.3: Physiological knowledge for sustainable cultivation of crustaceans, molluscs and echinoderms

A2.6: Encouraging the development of non-conventional culture systems for aquatic organisms

A2.9: Advances in fish farming systems using sustainable feeds and innovative technologies

A2.10: Advances in bivalve culture systems

A2.11: Optimization of welfare in culture: Indicators, feeding and health as fundamental pillars

A2.12: Innovation in fish nutrition and feeding

A2.13: Valorization of sub-products in aquaculture

A2.14: Genomic tools for stock management in aquaculture

A2.15: Protocols and control measures in aquaculture

A2.16: Prediction and control of emerging and recurrent pollutants in fisheries and aquaculture

A2.17: Digitization and modeling in aquaculture production: Technological solutions for different systems

A2.18: Smart management of aquaculture production

A2.19: Innovation in aquaculture products: Traceability, quality and commercialization in new areas

A2.20: Improving the perception and social acceptance of aquaculture