A2.1 Restoration and enhancement of natural populations through crop diversification
A2.2: Research on physiology and reproduction of farmed fishes to improve knowledge and animal welfare
A2.3: Physiological knowledge for sustainable cultivation of crustaceans, molluscs and echinoderms
A2.6: Encouraging the development of non-conventional culture systems for aquatic organisms
A2.9: Advances in fish farming systems using sustainable feeds and innovative technologies
A2.10: Advances in bivalve culture systems
A2.11: Optimization of welfare in culture: Indicators, feeding and health as fundamental pillars
A2.12: Innovation in fish nutrition and feeding
A2.13: Valorization of sub-products in aquaculture
A2.14: Genomic tools for stock management in aquaculture
A2.15: Protocols and control measures in aquaculture
A2.16: Prediction and control of emerging and recurrent pollutants in fisheries and aquaculture
A2.17: Digitization and modeling in aquaculture production: Technological solutions for different systems
A2.18: Smart management of aquaculture production
A2.19: Innovation in aquaculture products: Traceability, quality and commercialization in new areas
A2.20: Improving the perception and social acceptance of aquaculture