El 8 de junio se celebra el Día de los Océanos, una fecha especial que nos invita a reflexionar sobre la importancia de la acuicultura sostenible

Celebrating Oceans Day: the importance of sustainable aquaculture

Celebrating Oceans Day: the importance of sustainable aquaculture

8 June is Oceans Day, a special day that invites us to reflect on the importance of sustainable aquaculture. The oceans are home to incredible biodiversity and play a vital role in regulating climate and producing oxygen. In the context of aquaculture, it is essential to recognise the interdependence between caring for the oceans and implementing sustainable seafood production practices.
The fisheries crisis and the role of aquaculture: Commercial fisheries have been significantly overfished in recent years, depleting fish stocks and damaging marine ecosystems. Aquaculture, or the farming of aquatic organisms, is emerging as a sustainable alternative to meet the growing demand for seafood. Unlike traditional fishing, aquaculture can be carried out in a controlled and responsible manner, minimising negative impacts on marine ecosystems and ensuring a steady production of healthy food.

Promoting aquaculture

Sustainable aquaculture involves the adoption of environmentally friendly practices that focus on the welfare of aquatic organisms, reducing the use of natural resources and preventing pollution. Some key actions include:
Choice of appropriate species: Choose species that are well adapted to the local environment and have a low environmental impact. Avoid the use of invasive species that may threaten native biodiversity.
Monitor and control water quality: Maintain constant monitoring of water parameters such as temperature, salinity and oxygen levels to ensure an optimal environment for aquatic organisms.
Sustainable food: Develop balanced and nutritious diets that minimise dependence on wild foods and reduce waste. Promote research into alternative diets, such as plant-based diets or feeding marine micro-organisms.
Disease and pest control: Implement biosecurity measures to prevent and control disease, avoiding the overuse of drugs and chemicals that can contaminate the oceans.

Benefits of sustainable aquaculture

As well as helping to conserve the oceans, sustainable aquaculture offers a number of benefits, including:
Food security: Sustainable aquaculture can provide a reliable source of seafood, helping to feed the world’s growing population and reducing pressure on wild fish stocks.
Employment and economic development: Aquaculture can create jobs in coastal communities and contribute to local economic development by providing opportunities to diversify traditional fishing activities.
Conservation of endangered species: Aquaculture can play a vital role in the conservation and recovery of endangered marine species by providing a controlled and safe environment for their reproduction and growth.
So on World Oceans Day, let us remember that sustainable aquaculture is a powerful tool to preserve the health of our oceans and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. By implementing responsible practices and supporting research and innovation, we can use marine resources in a sustainable way, without compromising biodiversity and ecological balance. Let’s celebrate this day by promoting sustainable aquaculture and raising awareness of the importance of our oceans in the production of quality seafood, as the ThinkInAzul Comunidad Valenciana project is doing. Together we can make a difference.


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